Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Did I Do That?

No, I am not actually a self-centered person, but with everything that is going on lately, I sometimes have this idea that it is all my fault. You see, around August of last year, we decided we were going to sell our house and move to our daughter's school district. Just to make everything easier on everyone concerned. So, in preparation, we paid off all our credit cards. No more interest payments, no more revolving debt, just to make sure we could qualify for the size of house we needed. We started buying what we needed with cash, which meant we bought significantly less. Now all the credit companies are failing, and I have to wonder, did we all have the same idea at the same time? I've often wondered what it would be like, what would happen, if everyone started living off of just what they have, like all the gurus suggested. Hm, maybe this is it? And if that's the case, the banks don't need a bailout, why continue a product that no longer sells? Of course now we are in the position that nothing is selling. We would buy a new car, but are afraid we'll lose our jobs, because no one is buying new cars. We would buy a house, especially now that prices have dropped so much, but oops, now we owe more on our house than we could get for it. This whole thing is a catch 22. What are we going to do? Everyone is saying that banks won't release the funds for new mortgages, I think its just that no one is asking. Hmm, what next? There are layoffs at work happening today, furloughs last month and next. Maybe if I stick my neck out there and tell hubby to buy a new car, everyone else will too? Come on, America! We need you to shop even more now than after 9/11, oh, but I'll wait til you're done, lol.

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