Sunday, October 12, 2008

WOW! A story of addiction

OK, My husband turned me on, and now I'm addicted.

To a blood elf priest character, wandering around the realm of Aggramar in Eversong woods. It started last weekend, while dh was planning to meet his friend, Dan, in the alternate reality. They do this once or twice a week, with geeky little headsets carrying on til the wee hours of the morning. He lamented once again how great it would be if we could play together, so I decided to try it. Actually, the kicker was watching my daughter make her character dance, and before you know it, she had started a complete dance party, with at least 10 other players stopping to dance with her(sans music). I just thought that was the neatest thing, well, at least until someone started removing her armor, leaving her in her underwear. So, I got online and he stood behind me, telling me how to power attacks and win experience points, how to loot the vanquished, and receive and complete quests. For me, the hardest part is walking right now. No, its not complicated, arrow left and right for turns, up to walk forward, and down to walk backwards. A note to the novice, walking backwards to try to retreat from an enemy? it doesn't work so well, any better than if you were to try it for real. Anyway, I keep getting stuck behind fences and barrels and benches. I mean, come on, really? And every time you have to enter a building to get a quest or training or beat somebody up, there are always circular ramps, with NO HAND RAILS! I mean, COME ON! How many times do I have to die because I fell off the stupid thing! And how freaking far do I have to walk to get back to my corpse? And whats the point of that anyway? Virtual punishment for dying? Oh! Oh! and getting bumped off the server and returning to find you had died in a battle you were clearly winning? Pah! I guess if there weren't some frustrations, I'd never get to bed. So after playing a few hours, hubby decides to start a new character so we can play together, because, well, you know, he can't join me on level four with his level 60 character, right? Only to find out, he had started me on the same account he plays on! So I deleted my character, and created a new one on our second account and started all over. we played together for a couple of hours, but now he's lost interest again, so I've played without him. Now he's a level 4, and I've gone on to level twelve, and will have to repeat everything so he can catch up. Uhg! I should just make one character to play by myself, and one to play with him. See! This has taken over my life! DO NOT play this game, if you haven't started already. I punished myself for taking all this time away from the housework, by making myself wash and fold socks. now to sneak over and start that new character.

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