Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm high? and I can't sleep!

I have recently quit smoking. This is day 3. My head spins and I am dizzy, and a little silly. My friends tell me I am high on Oxygen. Hmmm. Why? Doesn't everyone breath oxygen? Apparently all the weird things in cigarettes block some of the oxygen receptors in our brains. Suddenly, I'm getting oxygen like I haven't in more years than I can count right now. Everyone is being uber supportive, and I'm really not suffering nearly as much as I thought I would. I'm cold turkey. Yes I'm cold alot. Plus, I can't stay asleep at night. It seems like I am waking up every hour. I don't know why, but I feel very awake. Then I just go back to sleep. I took the day off, and got some extra sleep this morning. I'm starting to be afraid to drive, I become so sleepy out of no-where. But thats it. A craving will come, for less than a minute. I wiggle my fingers and take a deep breath and it goes away. I'm good. I don't want to spend the money anymore, I don't want to die of Lung Cancer, I want to see my grand children someday (not soon, mind you, it can wait, lol), but yeah. So I am a non-smoker, big deal.


-LGirl- said...

Bug deal yes! good for you!
High on Oxyggen is interesting I was unaware of that happening.
Congratulations on quitting.

EmBee said...

How's the no-smoking campaign going? Hope you're still smoke free! Thought I'd check in to see if you had any back to school posts.