Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Hate Tuesdays

Yes, I hate Tuesdays. It's my least favorite day of the week. Mondays are bad enough, having to return to the grindstone after a too short weekend. But Tuesdays...Tuesdays positively reek! Every single stinking Tuesday, World of Warcraft shuts down for "maintenance". Usually, you can't even tell what they've "maintained". I wish they would fix the flightpath from Dalaran, Dalaran is DC city. If you play, and you have a character over lvl 65, you totally know what I'm saying. But today, today is the big patch. Everybody in the guild has been talking about it. Swimming mounts, dual spec, shorter cool downs on the hearth stones, all very cool. What's not cool? Apparently my DPS. 850 Dps(Damage per second) is apparently very bad for a lvl 80 hunter. I don't know what the problem is. Ive got the best weapon I can afford, and haven't seen much better in the Auction House. I know some players have 1500 Dps, but usually they are Death Knights, and DKs are cheaters as far as I'm concerned. They need to nerf DKs bad. So I guess I'll have to suck it up and ask my guildies what I might be doing wrong, idk. Time to check and see if we are back on line again, and maybe check on the lasagna, too. =)

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